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I was in a serious car accident today

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I was in a serious car accident today Empty I was in a serious car accident today

Post by Eqoa Psychokillaz Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:36 pm

I would have been dead most likely if not for having my seat belt on. I was at a red light when some old fogie never hit the brakes behind me and slammed into me going at least 50 or so. Not one skid mark, He used my car to stop.

The hit was so hard he crushed my trunk into the back seat and made me ram the car in front and crushed my hood all the way to engine block and pushed the car in front of me about 10 yards forward when we both were stopped at a red light. Only The truck in front of me and I was behind just that truck or the wreck would have collected a ton more.

This old asshole got a reckless/careless driving. I'm super sore all over. My left knee, right forearm, neck & mainly my whole back. I would have went through the windshield if not for wearing my seat-belt. I had no family in the state and it took a while to deal with ambulance, cops. towing, getting a ride home somehow.

I'm finally able to kick back and try to relax. This old guy claimed to be taking his wife to the hospital and mind not on road and had small seizure or stroke or whatever bs lie he told cops. She told guy he was obviously medicated and if he wasn't in his 70s she would have taken him to jail. Now

I'm hurt & car-less for a few. Oh well. Hope I get paid decently for dealing with all this crap. Hope to be on FF14 ARR asap. Just trying to get out of shock and when my adrenalin wears off, I'm gonna be hurting like a mofo. Good luck to all and hope to be on soon.

I found Odin today and souned the alram after Chris saw fog and said to look for him. I ended up getting Gold and 5 chest and bought the Odin companion armor. Now my Hoopty has red eyes. Very Happy
Eqoa Psychokillaz
Eqoa Psychokillaz
Elder Seedseer

Posts : 131
Age : 44
Location : Tampa/Atlanta

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